Rosemary-Skewered Shrimp and Scallops

I used the Creole seasoning from Emeril’s New New Orleans Cooking, but any mild or spicy season-all will work here. Grilling the shellfish skewered on rosemary branches imparts the herb’s distinct flavor to the flesh. Choose older, woody rosemary stems. Tender green stems won’t hold up as well. It’s best to find someone with a rosemary bush they’ll be happy for you to prune it, and you’ll get longer, woodier stems.

for each serving:

4 jumbo shrimp, peeled and cleaned, tails on (Leave the last segment on the shrimp’s tail. It’s prettier)
3 sea scallops, rinsed thoroughly (NOTE: Rinse scallops in cold running water for several minutes. You don’t want gritty scallops.)
1 tablespoon seasoning blend of your choice
1 stiff, woody rosemary branch, about 10 – 12″ long, plus additional rosemary for garnish

Toss shrimp and scallops with seasoning. Set aside.

Thread shrimp and scallops alternately on rosemary branch.

Grill skewers over medium coals for 3 – 5 minutes.

Turn skewers and grill until shellfish turns opaque. Serve on skewers, garnished with additional rosemary.

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